Cooking Disclaimer

I should admit it straight away. I don’t love spending time in the kitchen, so marrying a chef is probably the best thing that could happen to me.

Well, it is but not for the cooking part!

daphne alexandros φούρνος κουζίνα

It is understandably very tiring to work at work and at home, doing the same thing. So, Husband does not do us the honors but on special occasions (or when he feels like eating something I don’t know how to cook- like fish).

I might not love cooking, but I do appreciate a well-cooked meal and I am a big fan of eating healthy. The result is a (limited) number of recipies, that take less than 30 minutes to be prepared, are mostly vegeterian (we are both meat-eaters but I am not a big fan and I don’t feel I need it that often), take minimum effort to suceed and are in some aspect super impressive (extremely easy, or low fat, or gourmet, or cheap…you get the picture).

I often need to adjust recipes to my needs. So, I eliminate sugar, I substitute margarine with butter and vegetable oils for olive oil and I avoid using too many eggs. I don’t overthink or try the same thing repeatedly until it gets perferct- if I want perfection there are amazing restaurants around, or I can always address Husband! What I need is a result that will satisfy our palates without filling us with guilt and that, I deliver!

Now, that you have been properly warned, I can share my recipes!


(Tip: Try making salads instead of cooking. It’s fresh, fun, fast and scares pounds away!)

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