Picnic in Style

The spring is officially here and what a better way to welcome it than start going out there.

Out there, there’s a lot going on right now.

The trees have started to bloom and you can see young wild flowers all over the place. The snow up in the mountains melts more and more every day, which makes the rivulets run wild into the sea! Lamps are born every day and you can see them jump happily all over the prairies which glow freshness and greenness as spring come in after a not-so-long and not-so-difficult winter.

Of course, I live in paradise, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find an appropriate place to picnic!

Okay, now that we got it, let’s see how we can do it in style.

  • Forget about the food. The food is an excuse!  (Tell that to Husband !)
  • Go for glass containers. They  are much heavier than plastic ones, but they can be used as serving plates, so, it’s worth it.
  • Use your stylish, yet inexpensive tablecloth and silverware.
  • Take exactly what you need and no more. It’s a picnic, not a nuclear disaster you are packing for. More stuff- more worries.
  • Go for the same color or the exact opposite. One-color combinations or exact oppositions are a sure success.

You can always do some decorating on spot and use pebbles as napkin holders, for instance. That is definitely part of the dining outdoors experience!

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(Tip: Bring the Baby, Bring the Dogs, Bring  a Table!)

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