Mom Fatale Tunes

There is so much awesomeness in life and so little time to discover it that friends with different field of expertise are particularly appreciated, especially in the post baby era.

Athanasia- aka the Ear –Androni is such a friend.  Last year, she produced the music for my radio show and she never ceased to surprise me. She would go out of her way to choose the right song, whether that came from an independent studio recording  in some remote island on the Pacific, or represented one of the biggest companies in the industry. She has no prejudice and no barriers when it comes to music, only time and the right attitude to search stuff through.

And I ‘m lucky enough to be on the receiving part: able to ask her for inspirational music ideas- the right tracks for the right mood; track lists for that long due long weekend, or because you are turning forty, track lists for your crazy biking sessions or for that very special evening!

Anything that can or has been said in notes, she’s got it. And now we do!

Premiering next Thursday and every Thursday on Mom Fatale.

By Athanasia Androni!


(Tip: Send in your Track List Suggestions!)

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