How To Choose the Right Nanny

There are actual books written on the subject and maybe they help, who knows? I didn’t have to resort to one. Being a parent is Dilemma Central and  Decision-Making non-stop. No time for extensive consultation. When it comes to the Nanny business, I know I was not happy to have to go to work and leave Baby, to begin with. Not having the right nanny back home would have been too much.

μαιρη ποππινς

Your final decision should make you feel happy, so, let’s see what can help you make the first steps towards that.

A babysitter may come with papers, diplomas, certificates and tons of letters of recommendation and still not be the right person for your family. There are some universal criteria but the final decision is highly personal and has to do with the rapport the potential babysitter has  with your baby and you.

It would be wise to look for these in a nanny:  anyone who looks at your kid lovingly, with a big bright smile, arrives at work clean, well-groomed and seems to have a  good judgment is probably a  good candidate. I wouldn’t ask of a babysitter to be particularly creative- I can provide that. I need her to be punctual and consistent.  Trustoworthy. A pro. Not too young – not too old. And, finally, if not absolutely crazy for your kid, at least to really like it.

Your final decision should be made after a short trial period, during which observe  primarily your baby, but also the care provider. Do they look happy when they meet? Are they relaxed or tense? A couple of weeks later you will probably know for sure, because I think you know from the start. We are talking about the person you leave your baby with when you are not there!

It’s a gut reaction!

(Tip: The 10 Questions to Ask a Candidate Babysitter coming up next)


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