Being Silly :)
Nothing not to love about weekends. Or stickers, or earrings :)) Happy! XXXXX
Nothing not to love about weekends. Or stickers, or earrings :)) Happy! XXXXX
I don’t like winter and I don’t like wind. It drives me crazy not listening to my thoughts. Yet, I cope. I try to see the good stuff in it. A sunny morning walk. Games we play inside the house, by the fire. The colors. The quiet. The fact that
Κάθε Τρίτη παίρνω φόρα από τη Ράνια που μας παρουσιάζει απίστευτα κομψές επιλογές και σας δείχνω κι εγώ με τι καταπιάνονται τα δικά μου χέρια κατά καιρούς. Την αγάπη μου για τα μαλλιά-κουβάρια, και ως υλικό και, μ’ ένα τρόπο που μόνο το μεσογειακό ταμπεραμέντο μπορεί να εκφράσει, ως κατάσταση
Έκανα μια βόλτα στην αγορά, προς αναζήτηση ιδιαίτερων και περιέργων πραγμάτων. Συνειδητοποίησα πως αν ψάξεις θα βρεις πράγματα που ούτε καν ήξερες ότι υπήρχαν και σε τι χρησιμεύουν. Χρήσιμα, βολικά , πρακτικά, πρωτότυπα, ιδιαίτερα , και κάποια εντελώς άχρηστα, αλλά πανέμορφα. Αρχή κάνει το νούμερο ένα gadget, για τους φαν
I live in a place where hiking is inescapable! We love it and it’s part of what makes our lives here better! Of course we couldn’t think of discontinuing such a loved practise because of baby! Instead we tried to figure out how to help baby be part of it.
When Daphne was 5 days old we came back home where among other things, I was really worried to see how our two dogs would take the newcomer’s entry. Our dogs have never hurt anyone, they are good, trusting, friendly dogs but since neither Husband, nor I had any such
Either because you didn’t know, or you didn’t realize, chances are you have done one of the mistakes below- and that’s the best case scenario. How about having done all five mistakes? Well, it’s not the end of the world and you are definitely not alone! Some of the most
More or less everyone will tell you that you need to consider three things, before you buy a stroller. Where you live, where you are taking your baby (and stroller) and how much you want to spend.The paradox is that no-matter what you answer, it won’t help you one bit.
Do: take someone with you, if you mean to enjoy snow even a little bit. A trained, professional nanny is a perfect idea (as opposed to this one) expect some uneasiness. Babies don’t appreciate their schedule being changed, although i think at some degree it’s good for them not to
In my case, prepare for it 24 hours in advance and without any prior notice! Everything can be done with the right attitude, though, and we are going skiing so, my attittude can’t be any better! We are staying at a chalet. So, there will be a kitchen where baby